Top 80 Amazing Keyboard Shortcuts of Microsoft word

You can use keyboard shortcuts to simply navigate throughout your text. This can save time if you have a long text and do not want to scroll through the whole thing, or simply want to easily move between words or sentences.

80 Shortcuts of Microsoft word

Word is such a worldwide skill; every job hunter and her mother understand the program's basics. So if you really want to stand out from the crowd, learn how to use Word efficiently (employers will love you for it).

1.    Ctrl + A =      Select All document

2.    Ctrl + C =    Copy

3.    Ctrl + V =     Paste

4.    Ctrl + X =     Cut

5.    Ctrl + Z =      Undo

6.    Ctrl + Y =      Redo

7.    Ctrl + E =       Center Align

8.    Ctrl + J =        Justified Align

9.     Ctrl + R =       Right Align

10. Ctrl + shift + A =  Upper case

11. Alt + F4 =      Close program / Minimize

12. Ctrl + F =       Find

13. Ctrl + S / F12 =        Save 

14. Ctrl + N =      To create a new document

15. Ctrl + O =      To open a saved document

16. Ctrl + P =         To print a document

17. Ctrl + Delete = Delete word after cursor

18. Ctrl + backspace = Delete word before cursor

19. Shift + Arrows = Select text where cursor is placed

20.Ctrl + End =   Move cursor to end of document

21. Ctrl + Home =  Move cursor to start of document

22. Alt + Tab =         Quickly switch programs

23.  Ctrl + F4 =        Quickly close Window

24. Window + D =  Quickly return to desktop

25.  Shift + Home =  Select whole line left of cursor

26. Shift + End =       Select whole line right of cursor

27. Ctrl + W = Close the document

28. Ctrl + I = Apply italic formatting to text

29. Ctrl + U = Apply underline formatting to text

30. Ctrl + [ = Decrease the font size by 1 point

31. Ctrl + ] = Increase the font size by 1 point

32. Esc =  Cancel a Command

33. Ctrl + Alt + S = Split the window

34. Alt + Q, then enter the search them = Move to the Search  field or tell me

35. Alt + F = Open the File page

36. Alt + H = Open the Home tab

37. Alt + N = Open the Insert tab

38. Alt + G = Open the Design tab

39. Alt + P = Open the Layout tab

40. Alt + S = Open the References tab

41. Alt + M = Open the Mailings tab

42.  Alt + R = Open the Review tab

43. Alt + W = Open the view tab

44. Alt or F10 =  To move a different tab , Use arrow key and access key

45. Shift + Tab or Tab Key = Move the focus to commands on the ribbon

46. Ctrl + Left  or Right arrow key = Move between commands on the Ribbon

47. Arrow keys = Move among the items on the Ribbon

48. Spacebar or Enter = Activate the selected button

49.Down Arrow key = A menu or Submenu is open , move to the next command,  Open the menu for the selected button

50. Alt + Down Arrow key = Open the menu for the selected button

51. Ctrl + F1 = Expand or collapse the ribbon

52. Left Arrow Key = Move to the submenu  or  a main menu is open  or selected

53. Ctrl + Left arrow key = Move the cursor one word to the left

54. Ctrl + Right arrow key = Move the cursor one word to the right

55. Ctrl + Up arrow key = Move the cursor up by one paragraph

56. Ctrl + Down arrow key = Move the cursor down by one paragraph

57. End = Move the cursor  to the end of the current line

58. Home =  Move the cursor  to the beginning  the current line

59. Ctrl + Page up down = Move the cursor to the top of the next page

60. Ctrl + Page up = Move the cursor to the top of the previous page

61. Ctrl + Alt + Page up = Move the cursor to the top of the screen

62. Ctrl + Alt + Page down = Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen

63. Ctrl + F = Display the Navigation task

64. Ctrl + Alt + I = Switch to print preview

65. Shift + F8 = Reduce the Selection

66. Alt + H, F, O = Open the Clipboard task

67. Ctrl + Shift + C = Copy the selected formatting

68. Ctrl + Shift + V = Paste the selected formatting

69. Alt + Shift + R = Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document

70. Ctrl + H = Display the Replace dialog

71. Alt + N, M = Insert a Smart Art graphic

72. Alt + N, W = Insert a Word Art graphic

73. Ctrl + M = indent the paragraph

74. Ctrl + 1 = Apply single spacing to the paragraph

75. Ctrl + 2 = Apply double spacing to the paragraph

76. Ctrl + 5 = Apply 1.5- line spacing to the paragraph

77. Ctrl + Alt + K = Enable Auto Format

78. Ctrl + 0 (zero) = Add or Remove space before the paragraph

79. Ctrl + Shift + S = Display the Apply styles

80. Ctrl + Shift + N = Apply the Normal Style


 I hope you find this list of shortcuts useful and do feel free to ask us if you need any assistance or want to attend one of our courses. 

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